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for all of your products


Established in 1976, the north German family-owned company de Beer GmbH & Co. Krabbenhandels-KG is one of the few German companies to have specialized in marketing north sea prawns.


Between 10 and 12 tons of shrimp are packed weekly. To optimize its operations, the company built a new plant for final packaging stage. Previously, the prawns were still partially packed by hand; only one weighing system from MULTIPOND was in use. Additional systems have been added recently, in order to further automate the packaging process.


A further MP 14-2400/1250-H weighing system, in combination with a thermoforming machine, was installed in the new factory building in Greetsiel. This line packs 5 to 7 tons of high-quality product in trays every week, while operating just 3 days a week. All product-carrying parts have been precisely matched to meet the demands of high-quality north sea prawns in order to ensure a perfect product flow. These parts can be removed easily and quickly for cleaning and maintenance without the need for tools. The product transfer system was designed to be flexible.

About de Beer

Established in 1976, the north German family-owned company de Beer GmbH & Co. Krabbenhandels-KG is one of the few German companies to have specialized in marketing north sea prawns. The company is supplied by 35 fishing boats, 7 of which are owned by the family. The prawn specialist employs a total of 120 people. The products are sold only in Germany. Customers include seafood stores, delicatessens, supermarket chains and salad factories.

“The system runs without problems. Thanks to the ruggedness and high reliability of the systems, we need as good as no support from service. If, per chance, a problem occurs, it is addressed immediately.”

Dirk de Beer, Managing Director

Further references

Logo KG Group

“The short pathways and efficient processes at MULTIPOND were a great help in getting the project implemented. Drawing on its long-standing experience in weighing the most difficult products, the company was able to offer advice and support. All MULTIPOND systems have run smoothly since installation and are completely reliable.”

Valdas Keršys, Maintenance Manager at KG Group

“The robust construction of the systems is absolutely unique on the market, nothing that any other manufacturer has been able to offer us comes anywhere close.”

Rodrigo Sainz Trapaga, owner of Empacadora

“MULTIPOND was on hand to assist and advise us throughout the entire project. MULTIPOND’s tremendous wealth of experience, including with the most difficult products, made a significant contribution to the optimal design of the overall lines.”

Stijn Siongers, owner and Managing Director