Fast and
precise mixing

Mixtures with MULTIPOND

Our strengths – mixtures

Mixtures exist in a wide variety of industries. Whether for cereals, confectionery, frozen food or salads: We have the optimal solution for you. We ensure an exact mixing ratio of the components – exact piece and weight, depending on your recipe. Because the weighing of product mixtures is one of our core competencies.

  • Flexible product separation in the feeding area
    Product separation prior to weighing stops the components getting mixed up. The segment distribution cones are assigned and adapted to the individual sectors.
  • Cross-weigher mixing with addition function
    We can create mixtures not only using a multihead weigher. Depending on the number of components, several weighing systems can be coordinated with one another and a common program selected.
  • Combination of counted and weighed products
    Do you want to have mixtures combined from counted and weighed products? Not a problem for the multihead weighers from MULTIPOND. Divided into segments, not only the modes but also the equipment of the multihead weighers can be adapted to each and every product.
  • Precise mixture ratio
    We can weigh our special variants not only quickly and accurately. Product can also be discarded sorted by type without any loss of cycle time. Every head is individually controllable.

Our weighers in action

Convince yourself and take a look at our projects that have already been implemented. From cereals and confectionery to frozen mixes – benefit from our decades of experience and our know-how.

Expertise in all sectors


weißer Button auf welchem eine Schneeflocke aufgezeichnet ist

Frozen foods

weißer Button auf welchem ein Kaubonbon aufgezeichnet ist




Optimally equipped –
Our individual expansions

Special requirements call for special solutions – whether for process safety, hygiene or internal quality standards, MULTIPOND offers exactly the right equipment for every multihead weigher.

Other technologies

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