Homebase on key
growth market

A location with technical equipment at the highest level

North America is one of MULTIPOND’s most important growth markets. For over two decades, small and medium-sized companies from North America have relied on the concentrated knowledge of MULTIPOND America Inc. Located in Green Bay, Wisconsin, MULTIPOND guarantees sales and service throughout North America.

Bild der Karte der USA mit einem roten Punkt für den Standort unserer Tochtergesellschaft

Green Bay, Wisconsin


installed weighing systems


years on the market

The equipment
MULTIPOND America is investing in the future. It has recently set up a cutting edge test center. All the different facets of real production conditions can be created. Whether low ambient temperatures or a washing facility – everything is possible.

The MULTIPOND America team will help you in person on your premises or via our remote support facility – we are your capable partner.

Meetings, customer product tests and customer FAT are being increasingly held via web-hosted meeting platforms. Online meetings, from a straightforward cooperation all the way through to complex product tests and FATs with 5 to 6 active camera views for our customers. MULTIPOND America has embraced these changes. A strong team and a healthy customer base also helped overcome these new challenges.

What makes the American subsidiary so special?

The fully equipped test center in particular means that MULTIPOND America can prepare for every customer inquiry. You support your customers at their sites with your local service team and spare parts on-stock. The entire team at MULTIPOND America has set itself the goal of being wherever you need us and catering to your specific requirements in the shortest possible time.

Testzentrum Symbol

Fully equipped test center with chilling and washing facilities

Icon Ingenieur Symbol

Local engineering team

Service Symbol

Technical service for the fastest possible support

Icon Construction Symbol

Spare parts available from the location itself

Team Symbol

Capable team with a wealth of experience

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. ”
John Doe

Memberships and associations of MULTIPOND AMERICA

Logo von Nami (North American Meat Institute)
Firmenlogo NCA
Logo National Pasta Association
Logo International Fresh produce Association
Logo PMMI (The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies)
Firmenlogo Cheese Makers mit Gründungsdatum


MULTIPOND America Inc.
2301 Hutson Road
Green Bay, WI 54303
United States of America
Tel.: +1 920 490-8249
Fax: +1 920 490-8482