We find the best possible solution
for all of your products
The company’s fundamental principles include beneficial relationships with suppliers and business partners. So it’s not without good reason that the company relies on multihead weighers from MULTIPOND for weighing a diverse range of products.
The multihead weighers weigh a highly diverse range of products, from mushrooms and vegetables to powdered products such as instant soup ingredients or ready-to-use products. Because the product is changed several times a day, it is also vital that all product-carrying parts can be removed quickly and easily without tools for cleaning and maintenance. The target weight is up to 70 grams.
A new type MP-36-400-400-C multihead weigher has recently been acquired for the site in Heilbronn, Germany. Thanks to its multi-flexible design, the multihead weigher is able to gently weigh a highly diverse range of products. Maximum accuracy and availability are ensured by the calibration systems integrated into each proprietary load cell. MULTIPOND is the only manufacturer of multihead weighers anywhere in the world to offer this solution. The system works fully-automatically, continuously and without production interruption.
ABOUT Unilever
The Unilever company is one of the world’s most important branded goods manufacturers. Some 2.5 billion people use Unilever products every day. With 400 brands in over 14 categories, no other company touches the everyday lives of so many people in so many different ways. The 25 small symbols – tucked away in the logo – show the company’s numerous business areas. Production spans foods and cosmetics to body care, as well as household and fabric care products. The company has 161,000 employees in over 100 countries around the world.
“All over the world, the MULTIPOND brand stands for quality at the highest level. All our experience in the past has been good, and so MULTIPOND was our first choice from the word go.”
Gunter Löffler, Project Engineer
Further references