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Natural products from the field – MULTIPOND optimizes the packaging process for salad

The family market gardening business has been cultivating and carefully nurturing salad and vegetables for two generations. The trend for fresh convenience products was recognized very early on and the family started by delivering the freshly harvested salad and vegetable varieties to the surrounding restaurants and food outlets ready for use.


Until now, all products have been weighed by hand or by a semi-automated process. To keep pace with the steadily increasing market demand, the company eventually decided to have its highly sensitive products weighed and packed by a fully automated process. “MULTIPOND is renowned for the fully automated weighing of the most challenging products. We are placing our trust in the company’s broad experience with such products. Especially since MULTIPOND was the only manufacturer of multihead weighers that was able to cover our broad product range”, explains the Managing Director.


A type MP-10-7100-2500-H-UL MULTIPOND multihead weigher was installed. From now on, the most diverse range of products, from salad to sliced fruit to various types of vegetables will be weighed by a fully automated process. The product is fed to the weighing system via a conveyor. Once at the top on the weigher, the product is first conveyed to the prefeed hoppers via the radially positioned feed trays and then to the weigh hoppers below. After the weighing process itself, the accurate weight portions are transferred to the form fill seal machine by a timing hopper. The line achieves between 10 and 30 weighings per minute, depending on product and target weight. Around 14 tons of product are weighed and packed every day.

“We knew we would need a custom solution for this application, not an “off-the-shelf weighing system”. That’s why we decided on a weighing system from MULTIPOND. After all, the company has specialized in this very area. As a result, the ideal machine was designed for our numerous applications on the basis of an extremely close collaboration.”

Further references

Logo Vezet

“We simply wanted to have the best and fastest line in factory – and that’s where MULTIPOND, our partner for many years, came in with its project expertise.”

Hans Boshuizen, Managing Director of Vezet

“The robust construction of the systems is absolutely unique on the market, nothing that any other manufacturer has been able to offer us comes anywhere close.”

Rodrigo Sainz Trapaga, owner of Empacadora