Fruit Logistica 2020

Fruit Logistica 2020

MULTIPOND develops special solutions for customers

As a special machine manufacturer, MULTIPOND supplies customized weighing systems for fruit and vegetables. The MP-16-3800-2500-J weighing system exhibited as Fruit Logistica 2020 offers customers in the fresh produce market maximum performance – hygienically, intelligently and accurately.

MULTIPOND customers comply with international hygiene regulations

The weigher satisfies the highest hygiene requirements worldwide. The weigher is designed completely in accordance with USDA and EHEDG directives. Unlike other weighing system manufacturers, MULTIPOND achieves the IP69 protection class without generating overpressure in the machine. Compressed air is not required. The J Generation was introduced with maximum hygiene for the entire machine in mind, from the bolts to the frame to the rating plate. Essentially, all seals are pressed to a defined point via a metallic limit stop. All materials that can potentially come into contact with food meet the requirements for materials that come into contact with food.

The intelligent camera system – optimized product feed, less giveaway

MULTIPOND customers obtain reliable information from the preweigher installed in the distribution cone. The intelligent 3D camera system also provides additional data for controlled weigher filling by automatically increasing or reducing the product feed or adjusting the vibration intensity of the feed trays.

Thanks to the automated response to the sensor data, ARGUS guarantees a controlled, precise filling of the weigh hopper. Optimizing the product flow achieves shorter feeding times, fewer overfills and hence a greater variety of combinations. The benefit to the customer is a higher output and less giveaway.

Reliable investment in speed and accuracy

The MP-16-3800-2500-J achieves up to 100 weighings per minute, depending on application, product and target weight. Distribution cone and feed trays have the MULTIPOND stepped profile. This allows sticky products to be conveyed in a controlled manner. The vibrators are especially powerful and reliable. The surface profile combined with a special inclination angle of the feed trays are the basis for the trouble-free and gentle conveying of fresh products and guarantee the highest accuracy and speed.

MULTIPOND Mehrkopfwaage mit zwei ARGUS-3D Cameras und einer BDE-16